SlowJam Less Common Tunes by Genre
Archie Beaton, Lament for the Death | G |
Brother, Nathaniel Gow's Lament for | Am |
Christ Child's Lullaby | A |
Cradle Song | A |
Dappled Waters | D |
Duchess Tree, The | A |
Eternal Friendship | A |
Eternal Surge of the Sea, The | G |
Farewell Auld Fiddler | D |
Farewell to Whisky | A |
Gloom on my Soul, This | A |
Lea Rig, The | A |
MacPherson's Lament | G |
Maid I Adore, The | D |
Man's a Man, A (ABAB) | A |
Mill Mill O, The | D |
Miss Catherine Chalmers | G |
Miss Laura Andrew | D(E) |
Music O' Spey | A |
My Mother (Mo Mhathair) | D |
Nameless Lassie, The | G |
O'er the Moor Amang the Heather | Dm |
Pennan Den | Dm |
Rowan Tree, The | D |
Sarona | D |
Shieling of the Little Tufts, The | G |
Shingly Beach, The | G |
Tune for Tony | G |
Westcoaster, The | G |
Andy Dejarlis | E |
First Pint, The | D |
Grace Hay's Delight | G |
Hills of Glenorchy | Em |
Lads of Dunse | D |
Machine without Horses, The | G |
Miss Sally Hunter of Thurston | D |
Mrs. McPherson of Cluny | A |
Pattern Day | A |
River Bend, The | A |
Sister Jean | Dm |
Sooth End, Da | D |
Teviot Brig | A |
Thursday Night in the Caley | C |
Traditional Jig in G | G |
Trip to Toronto | D |
Aitken Drum | G |
Balmoral Castle | A |
Bratach Bana | A |
Burning of the Piper's Hut, The | Bm |
Cameron Highlanders | A |
Captain O'Kane | Gm |
Corriechoillie's Welcome to the Nor | D |
Dog and the Rabbit, The | G |
Duncan Grey | G |
Father John Angus Rankin's March | A |
Fenella | D |
Gairsay | D |
Goose Cove | D |
Headlands, The | A |
Highland Harry | Am |
Ho Ro, My Nut-brown Maiden | D |
Hopeful Lover | A |
James Cameron | G |
Last March, The | A |
Leslie's March | D |
Lovat Scouts, The | A |
McKechnie's Farewell | D |
Memories of Father Angus MacDonnell | G |
My Dearie and Thou Die | G |
My Love She's But a Lassie Yet | D |
Pamela Rose Grant | F |
Peter and Doreen Chiasson | D |
Peter Barnes' Trip to Skye | Am |
Petronella | D |
Piper's Weird, The | A |
Scotland the Brave Song | G |
Stella's Trip to Kamloops | A |
Sunlight Room, The | D |
Sweet Maid of Glendaurel, The | A |
White Cockade, The | D |
Retreat Marches
Magersfontein | A |
Memories of Herbie MacLeod | G |
Rob Fraser's Welcome to San Francis | D |
When the Battle is Over | A |
Ale is Dear | Bm |
Anne's Reel | D |
Brumley Brae | D |
Davy Nick Nack | G |
Deil Amang the Tailors | A |
Duke of Perth | G |
Eynhallow Soond | Em |
Ferry Reel, Da | D |
Frank's Reel | A |
Glenburnie Rant | Em |
High Reel | A |
Highlander's Revenge | A |
Homeward Bound | D |
Jock Broon's 70th | Am |
Joey Beaton's Reel | Bm |
John McNeil ("Big John M.") | A |
John of Badenyon (Old Time Wedding | Am |
Judy's Reel (Maid Behind the Bar) | D |
Kate Dalrymple | A |
Knockdhu Reel | Am |
Laxo Burn | D |
Lexy McAskill | Am |
Major Molle | Am |
Mike to the Rescue | D |
Millbrae | A |
Miss Mary MacDonald | Gm |
Molly Rankine's Reel | D |
My Gentle Milkmaid | Bm |
Potatoes and Herring | A |
Pretty Peggy | A |
Rannie MacLellan | D |
Reconciliation, The | A |
Return from Helsinki | D |
Saint Kilda Wedding | D |
Sleepy Maggie | Bm |
Spey in Spate, The | D |
Stone Frigate, The | D |
Tail Toddle | D |
West Mabou Reel | G |
Willie MacKenzie's Reel | Am |
Belladrum House | D |
Brochan Lom | D |
Captain Horne | D |
Cropie's Strathspey | G |
Devil in the Kitchen | A |
Glen Tilt (Ca the Wethers) | A |
Green Grow the Rashes | G |
Haughs o' Cromdale, The | Em |
Highland Whisky | A |
Jessie Smith | D |
John McAlpin | A |
Miller of Drone, The | Am |
Miss Drummond of Perth's Strathspey | Am |
Miss Hutton's | Gm |
Stirling Castle | D |
Stomping Laura | Dm |
Stumpie | A |
Tim Horton's Strathspey | Bm |
Warlocks, The | Em |
Waulkin O' the Fauld, The | Am |
Hetty & Farquhar's Waltz | D |
In Memory of Herbie MacLeod | A |
Lezlie and Gordon's Waltz | A |
Midnight on the Water | D |
Miss Rowan Davies | G |
My Home | A |
Rose-bud of Allenvale | A |
Sheebag & Sheemore | D |
Wild Rose of the Mountain, The | G |