Slow Jam Sessions of Scottish Tunes in Concord, MA
"Marvelous tunes at moderate tempos"
Our next Slow Jam is planned for Friday, Feb. 28.
I'll send out a note a week or two in advance
to see who will be around then and might want to attend in person.
If things work out, the Zoom link will be sent out
to the mailing list a few days in advance.
This series (which first started back in the fall of 2002)
is intended particularly for newer players who are just
starting to get into playing Scottish tunes,
to give them an opportunity early in their
Scottish-musical careers to play along with others.
Unlike at a "fast" session, we typically pause between tunes,
and most folks use sheet music.
I maintain a few "house binders" of music for newcomers;
regulars typically borrow and copy off a binder of their own,
or use a tablet to view the sheet music as described below.
- Here are lists of the tunes currently in the binders:
- Common tunes list, aphabetical
- Common tunes list, by tune type
- If you're new, here's a shorter list of favorites that are being played frequently.
- Favorite tunes list, alphabetical
- Favorite tunes list, by tune type
- There are also backup binders of tunes less commonly played, including some from quite a while back:
- Less common tunes, alphabetical
- Less common tunes, by type
There's also an area of this website here
where sheet music for the tunes is available, for viewing on tablets or the like.
Since some of the tunes are copyright,
that area is password protected.
I'm happy to provide the password by email or at a session,
but please don't post the tunes publicly.
Haven't been to a slow jam, and interested in coming?
Send me an email, and I can send you further information.
The name is "lance.ramshaw" and the email host is "gmail.com".
"Anyone who thinks it's boring to play slow
is probably just as boring when they're playing fast--it's
just over sooner!" John Krumm
Tune-Related Web Resources
Boston-Area Scottish Fiddle Information
- Boston Scottish Fiddle Club
The BSFC has monthly Sunday workshops and jam sessions in Belmont.
They also sponsor a monthly series of Wednesday evening Scottish jam sessions
at the Canadian-American Club in Watertown.
- New Hampshire Scottish Music Club
This club (formerly known as the Strathspey and Reel Society of New Hampshire)
has monthly Sunday afternoon meetings in Concord, New Hampshire.
- Passim School of Music
Passim often sponsors Scottish fiddle classes in Harvard Square.
Tune Indexes
- Folk Tune Finder
This is a wonderful site for looking up the names of tunes.
Underneath the surface, it uss ABC notation (see below), and
searches the web for sites where tunes are availble in ABC notation
Then it lets you search for a tune either by title,
or by "playing" a phrase of the tune on a displayed piano keyboard.
The search will find similar tunes, even if they're
in a different key. If your search returns a long list of options,
you can filter the list by type and key.
I often fine that if I enter too long a sample,
the site returns no hits at all.
My guess is that it has a length limit, but isn't smart
enough to tell you when you've exceeded it.
Erasing a few notes from the end of my sample
typically cures the problem.
- Cape Breton Fiddle Page
This page has a very complete index of Cape Breton fiddle
recordings, listing every tune on every track.
The tunes are also indexed using numeric codes of the same type
used in Gore's printed index of historical Scottish fiddle tunes.
- Traditional Tune Archive
Since the 80's, Andrew Kuntz has been assembling this absolutely amazing
index to Celtic traditional tunes, with extensive historical notes about each tune,
books and page numbers where the tune can be found,
info on recorded versions, and often the actual tune in ABC form.
Each tune has two web pages, one with a table of data fields and
black dots renderings of any ABC versions,
and the other with paragraphs of text listing sources and historical details.
To swtich between pages, click on the tune title at the top of the page.
- Tune Index
- This index covers a wider range of sources, but only lists
the books and page numbers where the tune can be found.
ABC Resources
"ABC" is a form of music notation that uses letters
to stand for notes, with numbers to show note length.
The beginning of "Flowers of Edinburgh",
for example, looks like this in ABC:
(Capital letters are a lower octave than small letters; the vertical
bars are measure lines.)
There are free programs that can turn those letters
into black dots on staff lines.
Folk Tune Finder
This tune index site, described above, lets you search for ABC tunes
by title or by tapping on the keys of virtual piano.
John Chamber's ABC Tune Index
Our own John Chambers maintains a site that indexes
ABC tunes available anywhere on the Web.
You type in (part of) the name of a tune,
and then hit the "find (wide)" button, and it
lists all the versions that it finds of tunes that match
that name. You can then get the tune, either in ABC form
or rendered into black dots.
"GIF" or "PNG" are the options to try if you
want to view or print the black dots from your browser.
The "MIDI" option, depending on your browser, may
be able to play the tune for you.
- John Chamber's ABC Tutorial
This is John Chambers' description of how ABC works.
- ABC Home Page
This page describes how the notation works
and gives pointers to programs that you can download
to work with it.
- EasyABC
This is an application that you can download (Windows or Mac)
that allows you to type in tunes in ABC notation and see them as black dots
that are automatically updated as you edit the ABC source.
You can also export the black dots as PDF files, or hear them using MIDI.
- The Session
This active site has both ABC and black dots for lots of Celtic tunes,
though many of them are Irish, rather than Scottish.
Be aware, too, that most of tunes here are posted by eager
amateur musicians, who may not be especially good
at transcribing what was actually played.
Commercial Sources for Scottish Music Books/CDs
Sources for this kind of music can be hard to find.
Here are a few sites, some US and some in Scotland,
from which I have ordered successfully.
If you know of other good sources, please let me know.
- Folk Arts Center of New England
The Folk Arts Center's store carries many Scottish and Cape Breton CDs and
music books, and is now available on-line.
- Elderly Instruments
This very large folk music source in Michigan carries some
Scottish CDs and music books, and sells items at a bit of a discount.
- Music Scotland
A Scottish supplier of CDs and music books, including pipe bands and dance bands.
- Taigh Na Teud / Scotland's Music
Christine Martin is a fiddler and fiddle teacher on the island of Skye,
who has been collecting, publishing, and distributing tunes for many years
under her "Taigh na Teud" imprint, Gallic for "Harp-string House".
- Highland Music Trust
This group is republishing reprints of major historical collections,
along with some new music. Their website also offers free downloads
of scans of a large humber of smaller historical collections.
- Cranford Publications
Paul Cranford is a Cape Breton fiddler who has been active for many years
publidhing books of Cape Breton tunes.
The "Tunes" area of his site offers 1400 free tunes, mostly samples from
his many publications, with title search.
Tracking Tempos
A metronome can help you play at a particular desired tempo,
but it's also useful sometimes to be able to figure out
how fast folks at a session are playing.
Some metronomes provide this kind of "reverse metronome"
function by having you tap in rhythm with the players.
There are also "beat per minute" apps for both Android and iPhone
that can pick out the beat themselves, without you needing to tap.
The Android app "BPM-Detector" is my favorite, since
you can leave it running, and every 7 seconds, it displays
its current estimate of the tempo.
If all you have is watch, you can time, say, 4 bars of the tune
and then compute beats per minute from that "seconds per half phrase" measurement.
Here's a wallet-sized card
that does that computation for duple-meter tunes.
A Note from the Left Ear Defense League
The early violin makers back in the 16th century
figured out how to build instruments
that were not only beautiful, but loud. Loud enough to be heard
throughout Carnegie Hall, but also perhaps too loud for the left
ears of the players themselves. If you remember the inverse square law
from your High School physics class, the sound is
four times louder at your left ear, since it is
twice as close to the strings as your right ear,
and that's ignoring
the fact that your head also helps shield your right ear.
Anyway, after years of playing, I started noticing
that my left ear was ringing after practicing,
so now I try either to wear an earplug on my left side
or to use a mute when practicing.
Various firms make earplugs designed to block just loud noises,
or ones designed for musicians, which try to reduce the volume
of all frequencies by the same amount.
Another option (my current favorite) are earplugs
that you shape to match the bowl of your external ear.
The plugs are made of a thermoplastic material that is pliable when hot
but solid when cool.
One brand is Decibullz.
You soften them in boiling water for a few minutes,
let them cool briefly to skin temperature,
and then shape them to your outer ear.
Thus they don't have to extend more than a small amount
into your interal ear canal.
Many excellent fiddle players ignore this issue,
and I'm sure that different people's ears are different,
but my experience is as stated above.
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